
Canada Courthouses / Northwest Territories / Inuvik

Inuvik is a Inuvialuit word meaning “place of man”.


Surrounding Courthouses: 

N – Artic Ocean

E – Nunavut Territory

S – Yellowknife 

W – Yukon Territory


Location:  Inuvik is located in the north part of the Northwest Territories on the east side of the Mackenzie Delta..

Judicial Region:  Inuvik Judicial Region


Courthouse – Inuvik


Location:  151 Mackenzie Drive / Tununuk Place

Built:  Unknown

Style:  Modern

Architect:  Unknown

Contractor:  Unknown


Description:  The building faces northeast and is a three story red and gray coloured siding and concrete structure. The building is located in the centre of Inuvik. The northeast front has a wide yellow coloured band between the first and second stories. The roof line is flat. The building houses the Superior Court and Territorial Court on the third story..